You should see the war zone I had to endure through each time I pick up the kids from school (now that they are all in the same school). As usual cars would double and even triple and zig zag park everywhere. And cars would come out from the wrong side of the road and jolt you!
I would hold on tight to jack's hand. Also holding an umbrella (panas tau) and carrying Jack's bag. Sya and Haziq close behind me. You would see me barking giving instructions to the kids now and then. Cross now! Move faster. Go through here. STOP!
And they HOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNKKKKK. And some of them shout! And sometimes people get angry. What a scene!
And when you think you are safe on the pedestrian walkway, suddenly a car zoommed just inches from you. On the walkway! They also come from different directions!
And we are talking about big SUVs. Powerful 4WDs. Big, fast, strong cars. All taller than the kids. All taller than me for God's sake.
And I would try to quickly slid in front of the parking cars. Glancing if there is a driver in there, I would highlight that kids are tagging behind me. Stop moving! We would snake around the helter skelter as fast as we can. Drench under the hot sun.
I look like an Ibu ayam you know. You know the game Ibu ayam dengan musang (Hen and chicks and the fox) that we used to play when we were kids? Yeah I am that Ibu ayam. All alert and eyes all over for those hungry foxes! The kids tagging all around me totally depending on me. Everyday I tell you.
Oh well, at 36 today (if you are reading this on the 18th) this ibu ayam is thankful that she can see humor in well nearly most things.
The Rights of Allah and Etiquette with Allah
9 years ago
happy birthday my lovely little lollies!
sayang kita dah jarang bercengkerama eh? u are still in my heart and in my doa.
may you always find a reason to wake up and to go to sleep smiling.
insyaAllah, may Allah blesseth you with fulfilling years.
tidak sukar untuk membayangkan ibu ayam dan anak-anaknya cuba melintas jalan. hohoho...
i was thinking you're the other ibu ayam, supply awek2 arab haha
Loleetah :
Have a Good, Happy, Joyful and Merry Birthday.
Izzit a norm that always the Ibu-Ibu (ayam) yang mengambil anak2 ayam kat sana ?
Bapak-bapak (ayam) tak menolong ?
Tumpang lalu ,.
The actual Raj is no longer in GLC2kan ?
nazrah - sesungguhnya masa mencemburuiku. i miss our chats and often find myself running out of ideas. kalau borak dengan awak idea melimpah ruah. :D
Ameen to your doa.
abi - why does the chicken cross the road?
theotheraj - hahahahhaha. ko memang
jp - ada jugak bapak ayam buat begitu. tapi bapak ayam kita kerja lagi waktu tu. jauh pulak tu. tak sempat. tapi mostly kalau bapak ayam yg ambik bukanlah bapak ayam dalam arti kata sebenar. mostly drivers.
all the time while wearing those white long lacy gloves?
wahh that bad ehh? hopefully they did not knock down any of the kids or parent!
happy besday ibu ayam lollies :)
pak pak arab ni suka honk kereta eh?
kot ye pon not la near to school compound.. or maybe you nee to request school to provide pick up area/zone?
eh? birthday you ke arini? happy birthday!
Happy Birthday.. hope your life will be fulled of joy and tak jadi ibu ayam kejar musang lagi hehee..
birthday on ramadhan ye.. buka puasa sape masak tu? ;) makan luar lah kot ye :)
1 thing I noticed about men and mostly saudi in Al Jubail ni, kalau nampak pompuan nak lintas, amboiii.. dia boleh stop tengah jalan tu. tak kiralah traffic kat belakang tu banyak ke tak.. tapi sesetengah Pinoy tu buat tak kisah aje.. gerammmm..
esterbeday to you..
esterbeday to you...
*cara jimi nyanyi lagu birthday*
happy birthday dear lollies!
hepi besday... hepi besday...
mosh - no lah. masa drive aje
zan - so far tak adalah pulak. thanks zan
mamarawks - actually bukan pak arab sangat. tapi the drivers yu. eeeeiiiii geram. hmm pick up area eh? tak ada tempat yang dekat i think. panas2 ni tak adasapa nak jalan jauh2.
samalah gak. pinoy and the indians. tekan minyak lagi adalah.
aie - waaahh thank you. siap nyanyi comel-comel lagi
shidah and mulan - thanks.
lana - thank you
neeza - tak makan luar pun. tak sempatlah bulan2 puasa ni. maka saya masak chicken chop. siap gravy. side dish dia baked potato with butter and cold tuna pasta. he he terliurnya.
ala.. kita tak baca ni semalam.. dok sibuk memasak. Tapi dah wish dalam FB so kira okay lah ek?
Happy Belated Birthday anyways.
Tak boleh complain ke to the school about the traffic? They should have some sort of system lah (one way during that time ke, first in first out ke, hire a traffic controller ke). It sounds so dangerous! Takkan nak tunggu an accident happen kot? *na'uzubillah*
happy birthday mummy!!!
aiseh sori lewat wish sehari. surely not ibu ayam dikejar musang. ure a great mom before, now and of course in the future!
Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yang alim.
Selamat hari jadi
Kata burung kedidi
Semoga panjang umur dan sihat selalu
Kata ulat bulu
Dah wish ke belum entah... tapi dah dedicate kat my blog... :D
Happy Belated Birthday Dear Lollies... kita ni sama umur... tapi anak aku 2 je... huwaaaa....
Hati-hati di jalan raya!
happy belated birthday! may the Ibu Ayam still maintain vogueness as well ya?
crazy arab drivers i'd say, tak concern ke about kids safety?
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