Allah has made the trip easy for all of us and I am thankful to Him for that.
I don't even know where to start. But perhaps I should start by telling you this : before we left for the umrah, a week before the trip, I smelt damp in the kids room. I have been bugging them whether they have been hiding any damp clothes somewhere. Swimming suit or towel left in a bag (which is typical of Haziq)? But I couldn't find any though.
Then a piece of the plaster ceiling in the kids's room dropped and smashed on the floor. It missed sya by inches. Lahawla wa la quata illa billah. Alhamdullillah it did not hit Sya. I also notice then, there are spots of mold on the ceiling.
It struck me that this is where the damp smell is coming from. I suspect the neighbour upstairs toilet is leaking. Oh dear.
All the kids now sleep in haziq's room. To their delight.
Before we left, we asked the landlord to have this rectified. And we decided to go, forgetting all these trouble. Before we left also we cleared as may things that need to be cleared.
I do remember my friends though and made dua for them. Ana uhibbukum fi lillah.
Anyway I am back now with many things to clear. You know all those post travel effect thingy. Which I have not done anything much except arranging books on the floor aje. :P
I am back to my normal life.
alhamdullilah, all went well.
but the ceiling. i hope your landlords take action as soon as possible and sort it out for your family. it's dangerous and thankfully it didn't hit Sya.
alhamdullilah you and the family are back. Plenty of stories and adventures, macam famous 5 or secret 7 plak. Anyway shukur, looking forward to reading them
nonah - the landlord katanya dah repair the toilet upstairs. but something is still not right i suppose. so kita tunggu tindakan selanjutnya dari dia.
azgrowlen - hahahahha. tak ada nya adventure pun. but quite an experience i must say to drive 1500km. and that is only doha to Makkah. Alhamdullilah everything went well. I thank Allah for this opportunity.
Alhamdulillah dah selamat balik. Teruja tgk buku tu semua. Yg beli masa di sana ke?
wow 1500KM journey... you must be tired by now. Take your time.. tapi at the same time me tak sabar nak dgr cerita...
hope muld problem rectified soon...
Uhibbuki fi lillahi.
Good to have you back in here and normal life, rejuvenated nonetheless.
BF - he he. Ya buku tu beli kat sana. Saudi has a more varied range of islamic books in english. Not to mention cheaper (bila beli banyak). So tak kan lepaskan peluang. :D
mamarawks - 1500km tu one way. Total journey is 5000km. And I cannot drive for the most of them. Sian lover
mosh - feeling good. But wondering also why can i not do the same thing now as I did over there...
Alhamdulillah...the trip went well
seronoknya ek dapat g umrah...
My mom was there also last week..
She said that Makkah was crowded with people like the time she was there for Hajj...
Am looking forward to go there someday...
The holy cities have their merit, + umrah is like a boost / recharge to our iman which is almost always down :-(. How I wish our life / iman would always be on the high, like when I was there, but that's where the jihad is, isn't it? :-)
Good to have u back + hope 2 c u this Thursday insyaAllah. :-)
PS: cek ur mail.
disturbia - indeed ramai betul orang. In fact I did see many msians. One of them must be your mum. :D
Insya Allah, once the niyat is there,there will be a way.
diana - mula2 i ingatkan email pasal batu-batan. :D
Indeed it is a jihad. SOmething I need to strive upon. Let's encourage each other. :)
oh my. hang in there yeah..
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