I haven't been feeling myself lately. Not that felling myself is such a great thing but yeah I am a bit off.
Like all mothers with little children, I still put up a facade so that Eid is a joy to my children.
I got all their baju rayas ordered way before fasting. Everyone's baju raya except for Sya was tailored at the tailor over here. And I must say they are quite good at copying. The ladies dress they tailor here looks like it pops out of haute couture cat walk thing. You just bring a photo of a dress you like and they can copy almost verbatim. Serious! My kebaya ada sikit slacklah but you know kebaya and with too much curves, it can post some difficulties. But the boys cekak musang are excellent. They look tremendously good. I even tailored up Haziq's and Jack's samping. Alaaa hensemnya. I sent Sya's baju kurung to Ms Fashion Designer. Sokong bisnis member maaa. (She doesn't do kebaya though)
Then we made up one of the rooms which is suppose to be the guest room. We took the beds out. Lay out new carpets and put up a few bedoin low sofas. Now the room is a majlees for guests to sit about. We had to sacrifice one bedroom of course, but our current living room is too small and it has the TV set. The children, the TV, the adult talking are just uncomfortable. I always avoid inviting people over. Will I start inviting people over after this? Nyeh nyeh.
I bought a few flower pots and plant. Bought some pelita. Have been listening to lagu raya.
Should I make cookies? Hmmm probably not.
I miss lots of things. I listen to raya songs and I think about my dad. I think about my mum. My kids want to go back.
I feel empty.
Selamat Hari Raya. Saya mohon maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa at anytime saya berblog ini.
Selamat hari raya to you and yr beloved family. Enjoy every moment of it even if you feel the emptinest!
Hi Lollies,
I have experienced rayas abroad only with immediate family. Yes I understand that empty feeling, but I agree with Anggerek Merah..at least you have your family with you and enjoy every moment. Take care dear.
Selamat Hari Raya semua.
It's not really being away abroad that makes me feel empty. I hav been away and its ok by me. Its just that having through Ramadhan and Eid knowing that my mum is away for good makes me feel empty. The helpless feeling that I cannot do anything for my dad adds to it.
It's ok the next Eid I would be ok.
I want to kiss her hand again..
Selamat Hari Raya..maaf zahir dan batin...
selamat hari empty
oh i soooooooooo lurve the floor throw. good for rolling and frolicking about too ;) This entry, empty as you were, is full of nerves. You take care baby. And smooches to your babies.
p.s. ko buat aku nangis lah. and i don't cry except for sappy love songs and slot samarinda kat tv3.
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin Rock selalu.
halley - selamat hari raya dan selmat shopping. he he
kapitan - ha ha ha
jill - the tree makes you feel like you are outdoor. boleh golek golek babe
hansac - rock? ha ha ha. nilah pertama kali orang ucap tu kat I.
selamat hari raya to you and your family lollies!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri...
Don't feel so emptylaa...at least you stiil have your kids ang yr lover...
Take Care...
Salam Lollies and slmt berkenalan.Ucapan selamat hari raya to you and family.
selamat hari raya..
sure best raya sampai tak sempat update..
aku nak post kad raya tak tahu address ko..anyways, wish macam ni pun kira ok ler tak?
selamat hari raya... i like the carpet... totally different... trees on the floor... mountains on the wall? :0)
maaf zahir dan batin
selamat hari raya... :)
nana - selamat hari raya katawak jugak
mak lang - i want my mummy. huwaaaaaa
kak elle - sila sila masuk kak elle. da nasi impit segera. rendang. sila makan sila makan
aie - sebok gila. tak lekat kat rumah aku seminggu ni
lao - adakah and ini seseorang yang saya kenali?
aisey loli... takkan dah lupa kat orang kampung? ayam dan itik kirim salam raya...
You might not be able to kiss her hands again but the memories of your mak will always linger til the end of time - when you're back here in mesia, do visits, hugs & kisses the hands of mak's siblings, relatives & friends- it's not the same but you're actually 'in' her stead.
With regards to your paint project - be careful eh, do a little bit of experiment first. My sis had all this lovely idea from watching & reading Eric Leong's - picture wall with bold colours etc. She said she choosed a nice shade of pink & lite purple that perfectly matched - now my BIL has to live with a shocking pink wall - what a sore to the eyes! Euwww..
lollies, jgn sedih beraya di rantauan. selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA.. jgn sedih k..
kak sya - tak ok ni. tak sempat sedih. sebok gila
mama rock - kita ok. he he
rad - ho ho ho. don't worry. saya akan cuba test dulu. entah bilalah tapi
lao - wei ko dah tambah umat baru ya? lama tak dengo cita. sebok cuci lampin ke?
arif - kita jeles dia balik. kita nak balik gak. huwaaaaaa
Selamat Hari Raya :-)
Baru dapat nak ber-hopping hopping lepas raya ni.
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