In the southern slang it means a lot of people helping out for the purpose of a feast of sort. However if an anak dara helps rewang, she should not be referred as Minah Rewang as this totally has different connotation to it very much akin to bohsia these days.
Rewang-rewang also mean jalan-jalan. Rendesvous aimlessly.
I helped rewang last week. In my context is tolong rewang potong bawang segala. The association I am involved with..hey wait a minute I am getting tired putting up this long sentence. "The association I am involved with". From now on I would refer the association to the ASS. So when I said the ASS from now on, you shouldknow what I am trying to say.
Anyway the ASS (:D) participated in an ASEAN Bazaar fest held here in D0ha last Friday. We bought a table and decided to sell satay. Funny we didn't want to make satay initially but end up doing it anyway since people always expect satay when it comes to Malaysia stalls here.
The only way to make somewhat profit, satay should be sold in large quantity (and quality of course). So we pierced away 1600 sticks of satay. And because most of us are working and we can only rewang at night, we took 2 nights to prepare them.
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I didn't have a picture of us selling though. And the pack of satay's picture is out of focus. Hmmpphh. Which is too bad because I believed (perasan) that I look dashing that night. With selendang somemore to match the black kebaya.
I bought a little fan from the Brunei's stall. And from my chattng with AJK tingkap, Dory, we both knew it would have been more effective if I had the short tight laced kebaya and a hair bun to boot.
Regardless, even with the boring old black kebaya, it was a sold out.
Lepas ni gua nak rewang-rewang pulak. Penatlah.
meriahnya ramai yg rewang. lepas rewang gi rewang-rewang, gi ngan ASS ke tanpa ASS? hehe
i dah post yr problem kat forum.. nanti i tengok ada org reply ke tak.
We wanted to make satay for international day here, but semuorang malas.. so I am making coq keria.
kat sana orang malaysia least yg connected to that association ramai tak?
bestnya tengok gambar..mesti semua ceria borak borak masa rewang rewang
sare - pergi sendiri-sendirilah. tak kosalah ASS tu. ha ha ha
elisa - oh harapnya selesailah masalahku. merana ni tau. buat satay tu memang amatlah memenatkan. weekend tu kita orang rehat terus. flat. kaput
simah - ada about 1000 malaysians here (campur anak segala). tak soma yang join ASS tu. yang i tak kenal pun ada.
teringat lagi ketawa macam nak rak masa borak2 tu. memang bestlah.
rewang....javanese word I think.Yeah meriah nampak semua org rewang sesama...gone were the days bial ada majlis perkawinan ramai org berewang now semua cater.Mana org nya yg berkebaya hitam eh:)
in the absence of whort tight laced kebaya you should have worn a giant red flower in your hair like zalyn did. heheh. saya sebok rewang-rewang very much like minah rewang complete with baju kurung segala sampai tak sempat nak buat word sunday.
maklang carik2 jugak my cousin kat situ. nama dia Azleen Azaida...kenal tak?
kak elle - saya pun rasa gitu. biasalah, johor ramai jawa. kebaya hitam tukang ambik gambo. tak da sapa nak ambik gambar dia
jill - aku masih tak sanggup lagilah. ha ha ha. woo ko jadi minah rewang ya pi rewang rewang?
mak lang - hmm azleen azaida? tak sure lah. Sapa hubby dia tau? tapi yg pastinya dia bukan AJK ASS lah.
meriah betul tu. we had int'nal bazaar here too lst month. sume buat seposen bila someone propose buat sate!! memang syok cakap nak buat, in d end nanti d same faces turn up utk cucuk & bakar sate tu!!!last2 goreng keropok kering & jual. wallaaa.. laku jugak..!! mana cik adik in the black kebaya tu..?
:) meriahhh bestttt!!
kalau rewang pun , sesekali tu online la ek...lama tak nampak awak.
idham kebaya yang buat meleleh tu... & enjoyable. Lepas tu memang penat. Boleh terbongkang for a while.
mulan - itulah dia.penat gila buat satay. cucuklah yang paling susah. pastu nak bakar. kita orang jual aiskrim malaysia gak and air soya. Alhamdulilah laku somanya
idham - time clash lah tu, saya ada awak tak ada
nazrah - kebaya buruk aje you
anggerik - dah terbongkang dah tapi kena bangun balik. khamis ni ada activity lain pulak.
eh awat tak tunjuk gambaq promoter kebaya hitam tu?
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