So I got him a little hummer and even a littler (he he) ambulance. You know these car models in boxes, they usually tie up the car with wires to a board so that the car won't move around in the box. But this little hummer was not tied up with wires instead it was screwed to a plastic board.
Zachary wanted to play with it immediately we got home and asked me to unscrew the car off the board. Alaaa I am really lazy you know. Sure I can unscrew and screw for that matter. I can solder too. But I really do not want to go in the cramp storeroom. I have to half stand in the dark claustrophobic room to get the toolbox. And I am lazy to open up the toolbox. My lover also has extra bits in the toolbox that when you open it, you have to rearrange the things in order for the box to be closed properly. And I have no patience for all that.
So I told him wait for ayah. he said ok.
But just look at him. Patiently pushing the car still on its board. No complaints and no tantrums. Just slight disappointment.
And I am a mother after all. So I took the toolbox. half standing in the dark dingy room. Opened the box and took out the philips screwdriver.
Come Jack, let me open it for you.
And he gave me that look. That indescribable look. The look of thanks.
Little hummer :QR35
Littler ambulance : QR5
The look : PRICELESS
n one happy son.. n one mummy yg lembutnyaaaa hati :0) lucky jack jack
wahhh.. so nice..legakan bila dapat that look...
simah - kesian tengok. padahal malas.
ummi - rasa sejuk perut ni tengok. teringa lagi senyuman dia
one lucky chap! if only you can capture that indescribable look on jack's face!
jack, good boy. since dah ada small hummer, lepas ni suruh ibu tukar ford to h2?
aku selalu letak satu screwdriver kecik kat dalam cabinet dapur..at least tak yah punggah tool box busu
a mommy's heart... tak sanggup tengok muka anak frust kan...
walaupun malas, buat jugak sebab kesian anak tu...
agaknya that's why my kids tak kisah bila kena marah by me.. sebab dia tahu, lepas tu ummi dia akan peluk2 and cium2 dia...
Hi Lollies, when a son grows up, he may love his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.
Can see you handy with tools, ha ha.
Have a great week, Lollies, and keep well, best regards, Lee.
ya tak ya.. ada hari, ada jam memang malas giler... though benda tu ada depan mata (for my case la, ha ha hi hi hu hu)..
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