I am one of those who do everything at the very last minute and this include waking up. Woke up just in time to put moisturiser and off I dashed. I applied sunblock, powder, eye liner and lipstick in the car. I am the weird one who curse the green lights.
But now I have all the time I want. Even the kids are pampered. Batrisyia is lathered with generous helpings of lotion all over her. I massage her every morning before she goes to school. Even put on moisturiser/ sunblock on her.
Facial wash is not a rush anymore. Taking care to exfoliate all the time. Putting on the mask every three days. Lover never get to suffer the masked face, for I do it when he is not around. He is back home to a clean, exfoliated face with a hint of gloss. (Wei dory aku dah beli gloss. Ada rasa strawberry. Lickilicious). Serum, night cream, moisturiser, sublock, spots corrector. All in a days work.
And I have so much time to apply lotion to the most neglected places. In a dry country like this, lotion is your saviour. Ohh look at those calves. Are they scaly? Isk isk isk. Even my man's calves are not spared.
I pumice and moist the heels as well. It was so cracked up. It can even be used as sand paper. Perhaps one of these days I will even perform full pedicure. Interesting..
Let's not forget the anatomy that abide the rule of gravity. Massaging for the extra firmness and hope oh pray god to delay the droop. Massage not only for the vanity but for health.
Never too early to start for the teenagers.
Never too late to start for the mature woman.
Good if you are breastfeeding. Eases the flow of the milk through the ducts.
If you are on a weight loss programme, remember it will shrink too and worst it deflates. HORRORS. Start toning. (you know who you are you lucky thing)
For massage techniques refer here and here.
For health care refer here.
The bliss of not rushing to clock to work..
Silalah jealous. Sila. Silakan.
Memang Jealous in a Biggg Jay...
Scrambling for time, nak membelog pun tak sempat. Tender due on Mon. Just now went for mock up e bid. E bid on thursday. Tomorrow got a visitor from Zurich... Aiyooo.
Baca and comment,. boleh laaa selitselit skit2.
Enjoy while it last...:-)
thank you wise woman, my lotion says firms & tones & moisturises & softens. i think that would covers it, but whats brownies got to do with it??
Just read ur faraj phone entry. tergelak plak sorang-sorang...Tehehe, been a while since i last visit here.
TJ - gulp! while it last eh? tengah fikir2 ni
jill - good good. anyone helping you massage? dah takkan nak letak gambar aku massage pulak. horrors
NEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - I want to meet you. Eh I gi dubai best gak eh? what's your schedule like
kunci - ha ha ha. Apa khabar?
Lollies...banyaknye nak kena buat tuu. nasib baik saya lelaki...hehehe
I saw all the benefits you mentioned on you when we met the last time I was in Doha ( ah...the only time )....yes, the glow, the perky-ness, the tone....
Gambar tu gambar apa? nampak macam kek je...
Eh...you nak dtg Dubai ka? boleh jumpa ka? hmmm....but i will be in London la July 9th to 12th tu...
Take care eh.
sare - tugas awak ialah supply barang2 maintenance diri sahaja. untuk kebahagiaan awak gak
idham - timakasih kpd lover yg banyak membantu dari segi kewangan dan sokongan moral.tulah rasa nak gi dubai. tengok apa kata lover. awak gi london? to see the queen?
Jelesnyaaa...... now ni nak pamper myself memaaaaangggg tak sempat. Nak gi wat facial pun tak de masa. Jelesnyaaaaaa (sekali lagi).
siot! if only i can have the luxury of time..
time boleh relax nanti, everything dah droopy :(
dlt - ya ya itulah tujuan post ini. sebab saya pun jeles gak tak gi kerja
stiza - TIDAKKKKK! Jangan dibiarkan itu terus berlaku. heh heh
yeewwwww.. onnneee eviilll mooommmmmmm!! darn it, i am ENVIOUS of yewwww!! and your kids too. wish my mom would do that to me ahaha. but interesting links tho. mmm.
anis - nyeh nyeh nyeh. dah kasi cuba try?
I hate you! I hate you! Jeles tahap gaban nih
Bestnyeeeee! Baru semalam terfikir muka ini sudah lama terbiar. Blackheads making appearance already.
anne - heh heh. hate me baby. hate please.
lion3ss - oh you pregnant. tak apa. ada big big license.
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