I remembered one day walking with her to attend the company's AGM. In the hall we saw our friends and immediately walk over to them. At least if the AGM gets boring, we have each other to entertain ourselves with.
Those were the days I was still working. Those were also the days I was still wearing braces.
As we approached our friends, they exclaimed, Hah! here comes Rosalinda and Ugly Betty.
In case you don't know, both Rosalinda and Ugly betty are famous characters from must watch (?) telenovela on TV.
So we were Rosalinda and Ugly Betty. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH! Memang kena betul!
As for Miss Kl Sentral, rest assured that she is way prettier than Rosalinda.
As for me...well err nevermind.
if miss KL Sentral is as hot as that picture of Rosalinda, apsal aku pi kacau MoshTino eh?
ko jambu lah, minah.
You are beautiful, inside and outside
Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.
Dari gambar2 Lollies yg dapat saya tatap, kata Pak Malim sambil duduk atas atap, saya rasa Lollies adalah seorang yg cantik, kata Pak Malim dgn mata yg lentik. Kalu jumpa personally, pasti lawa, kata ular sawa.
Setelah tidak memakai braces ni, aku yakin ko adalah lovely betty...
Ko kata je must watch telenovela tp aku langsung tak nengok pun... ko tengok tak?
adoi. malulah saya.
aj - hah! you tell me? asal ko selalu kacau mosh tino?
akuni - err tak pun. hahahhahaha
why eh? ntah.. dia lemah lembut and sopan santun. korang ni ganas2 belaka heheh
Taufik selalu tease Anis cakap dia kena pakai braces kalau malas gosok gigi. And the boys would chime in "Then you'd really look like Ugly Betty!". Harus Anis gosok gigi dan dan tu jugak.
I dont think Ugly betty is ugly at all.
screw - eh mana ada! aku lemah lembut gak tau. kalau aku ketawa selalu perahan aje tutup mulut. aku ketawa macam tu semenjak pakai braces. Hahahahhaha.. tu aku ketawa lembut-lembut tu.
elisa - bagus jugak boleh threaten macam tu.
he he she is not lah ugly. Tapi braces tu sellau macam image tak cun gitu. tulah pasal orang buat braces yang transparent tu. tapi mahallah pulak. sebab yang biasa tu nampak macam gigi robot
tak pernah dengar this cerita from you personally ehehehe.
i'm actually very seghiau tengok orang pakai braces. rasa macam anytime those jagged things in the mouth will itself into the walls of the mouth.. isk
mosh - you tak pernah dengar sebab i tak rasa apa-apa pun dengan komen tu. kelakau in factnya the coincidence. Hahahhahaha. It was Su and Niza by the way.
I tell you memang banyak kali braces tu makan the inner part of my mouth. berdarah-darah bila terhantuk dengan sya masa dia kecik dulu.
Hahaha...baru tadi jumpa u cakap pasal gigi & braces. Masuk blog, entry braces...hhehe.Nak gigi cantik pakai la braces kan? Tapi time you pakai dulu tak ada lagi yang transparent.
Tapi sakit la tiap tiap bulan after check up. Dgn berdenyut denyut, tak bole tido malam, ulcer. I gerenti kena letak wax kat besi besi tu sbb kalo berlaga dgn bahagian dalam mulut mmg tak larat...
Oh by the way, dulu i tersangat lah mengilai cerita telenovela..termasuk la Rosalinda. Wakakakaa...:)
Salam Lollie,
Somestimes orang yang pakai braces tu lagi cantik n sexy, you.
dills - actually masa I pakai dulu dah ada..tapi errr bankruptlah gua. he he.
hahahaha rosalinda ya? Ugly bettry tak tengok?
Ana - he he. betul ke? Waahh I feel so revived.
kenapa aku rasa macam tak layak je komen entry nih?
Hi Rozi. I didn't know that you had braces before :)
Btw, Betty was never ugly and Lollies is always Lovely ;)
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