I guess this will explain to you why I am still not moving even though we signed the contract to enter the house on the 20th May. Qadr Allah.
The thing is, they are also doing things s l o w l y. Too slow to my liking. In fact I went to visit the house last weekend, the progress was very minimal compared to the previous weekend. And that is after breaching the sacred 20th May date. Adoi. Allah Mustaan.
A few teething problem arises with this delay. Alhamdulillah at the moment it is solved amicably. The to be landlord, despite delivering the house late, manage to cash in the May rent. Alhamdulillah we got back the money. The current landlord seemingly allowed us to extend the contract without making a fuss to threaten with an extension of one-year-contract-or-else. Alhamdulillah. Allah has made it easy.
Cuma now we have to bear with the messiness. I have packed three quarter of my suff into boxes. So now we are walking between boxes like a maze. But still this is something I can bear with I suppose.
I don't know whether you knew this, but my current house is fully furnished. Well except for the TV because their TV broke down, and I bought a new one. The washing machine is mine because I do not know how to use a semi auto machine and the fridge is mine too because they just refuse to replace them after this incident.

And then there was sales time in may, we bought some stuff too. They only can holdit for us up to the end of May otherwise a 5% charge of the product price will be imposed. So we put it also in haziq's room cum majlees.
But this is still okay. I can bear with it. FOR A WHILE!
The only thing is, I have also bought more second hand stuff. These are major stuff. Like masterbedroom set, single room set, sofa set, dining table. And at the moment we tumpang a friend's place. Also anticipating that it will only be sekejap. Alas there are some turn of event. And now my friend's place also look like a warehouse. In fact worse than mine because they have all the bulky stuff. *Malu*
But just to let you know, partly I am glad there is delay because otherwise I will be moving during my exam time. Dahlah tak study amenda. My husband suspected that I made dua' for it. I did make dua' but I didn't specify what. kan Allah knows best.
But teringat balik kat rumah kawan tu...*malu*.
I really hope the next time I am talking about the house would be something like this, "Okay we are moving house and will be off the internet for a bit. Will get back as soon as we are connected. Toodles."