7:00 a.m. : He wakes up. Sometimes earlier sometimes later. Smothered by the Haziq and Sya (if she is up to it), by me, by his dad.
8:00 a.m. : Breakfast. Egg sandwich today, biscuits, bread, fruit puree..my pick really. Then he plays a bit. During weekdays, when Haziq and Sya are in school, he would sleep earlier.
12:00 p.m. He’d wake up..and more food. Lunch time. Then playtime with Sya.
2:00 p.m. : Haziq is back at two..more playtime for Zachary.
3:00 pm. : He would dose off again when Haziq goes to his religious school.
6:30 p.m. : Then I’m back. This is the time he whines and whines. Pick me! Pick me!
7:00 p.m. :Then dinner..more playtime after that. First on everybody’s prayer mat, then on everybody’s books, then banging on the keyboard. Then he would usually get groggy sometimes at nine. I would put him to sleep. Sometimes I go to sleep.
Day in day out. Wake up, play, eat, sleep, wake up, play eat, sleep. I wish I’m a baby too.
But then this is what Zachary said to me..
Ibu, do you think it is that easy being me? I have lived in this world for a year now, and I can tell you it is not easy. I think a lot, and I mean A LOT! I can actually feel my brain cells, my neurons actually branching out in the brain. Sometimes I get dizzy with the neurons streaming and I start doing that thing that you call groggy. When I’ve exercise all my brain, ahhh yawn, I need my beauty sleep. How do ou think I can maintain my skin as soft and supple as this?
You read to me. But when I want to read on my own all the books you are reading, you said no. Ahhh come on..I haven’t mastered my thumb yet, but I need practice right?
Sometimes you put on the TV so that you can eat with Ayah. OK I understand..you guys need time for yourself, but really what is so wrong with putting up the volume? And what is so wrong with standing right infront of the TV. All so that I can hear and see better.
You encourage me to come down from the bed myself. Okay put down my feet first and slowly let go off the grip. You would clap and clap and praise. I am happy. But when I want to go down the stairs, ALONE, unassisted you went frenzy.
Decisions like to pee the moment you take off the diapers or not?
Whether to spat out the porridge out or not? The art the exudes made are great!
Whether I should wake you up at night for more milk. I really don’t want too…but I miss you, Ibu. (bat his eyelashes)
Ibu, please, would you like to trade place?
I want to drive the car, at least.
Should I or should I not pull my sister's hair. What do you think?. Zachary three months old.
so schweeett la mummy u told stories and express ur emotions wif it.
p/s zachary.. just pull ur sis hair.. perang.. perang.. peningkan mummy.
u r one very deeeeep mom :)
wan - buekkkkkk. ha ha ha
tenah - heh heh come to think of it..I think I am but I don't usually write deep stuffs. The Keanu's entry also has deep meaning..he he the meaning is I LOVE him
thumbs up for this stories...heheh
eh eh ..zach..we have da same daily routine laaa..hehe..:P~
cn - zachary told me this..I only type
wan dengar tu sawach punya confession. ha ha ha
what about those mop alert signals? you forgot those la darling
:) blushing seh dengar confession. tak kaver line depan mummy la wifey.
aie - ha ha ha ha ha
wan - eleh wan..malu-malu kucing pulak dia
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