Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Dulu aku duduk di Kajang. Masa tu anak sulung aku tu, Haziq, baru berumur tiga tahun. Masa dia umur empat tahun lebih aku daftarkan sekolah rendah untuk si Haziq. A bit earlylah untuk daftarkan sekolah tapi aku suka buat benda ni awal..peace of mind.

Kawasan rumah aku mostly populated by Malays. Seingat aku dalam the whole row tu ada dua aje Chinese and two Indian and definitely more than 10 Malay families.

Kadang-kadang tu aku tengok budak-budak balik dari sekolah, aku perasan semuanya Malay. So I have this silght dissapointment yang sekolah itu akan heavily populated oleh Malay students aje. I wish that he can be in a school yang ada a better mix.

But well..tak kesahlah. Haziq pun ada involve in activities yang terdiri dari rakan-rakan of a good mix..dan Haziq pun tak kekok and enjoy the activities.

Tak lama lepas tu aku pindah rumah. Kawasan ni has a better mix. In factnya aku rasa half of the population is chinese. Aku pun daftar sekolah untuk Haziq kat kawasan tu pulak.

Come his first school day, aku pun pergi sekali.Alangakh terkezutnya aku sebab there is only one chinese boy in his class and only two indians in a 45 number of students in Haziq's class. There are also six standard one class and there are classes with only malay students.

Where are the chinese population here?

Anyway aku kenal a few of my neighbours kat sini. Ada seorang tu, aku tak tau nama dia. Tapi nama anak dia Wilson. So he'll be known as Bapak Wilson. Wilson ni kawan dengan Haziq. Dia orang sebaya. So aku tanya Bapak Wilson, Wilson ni sekolah kat mana.

"Oh! I sent him to the Chinese school nearby"

Hmm...I see rupanya kat situ perginya anak-anak chinese kat kawasan rumah aku. Then Bapak Wilson continued' "Actually we couldn't get him into the school as it is quite full but the MCA youth helped us. They talked to the school and also donated. Then the school opened up three more classes for Standard One."

I see.."Well Mr. Bapak Wilson..what if you cannot get a placement at all..I suppose you will send Wilson to the National school?". He retorted, "Oh! No! We planned to send him to the one in Jalan Klang Lama."

"Just like Mrs. Tan eh Mr. Bapak Wilson, but that will be two buses away.". To this he said, "Yeah ..a bit far. Have to take two buses..but sacrifice a bit lorr."

Adoi sanggupnya dia nak hantarkan anak dia ke vernacular school naik sampai dua bas. Anak Mrs. Tan tu aku tengok keluar seawal-awalnya naik bas sekolah. Tukar bas somewhere kat Puchong, then naik bas lain pi Jalan Klang Lama. Balik rumah pun sama gak. Dua bas. Hari-hari dia sampai rumah lambat betul.

So I guess aku seorang ajelah yang nakkan integrasi di sekolah untuk anak aku.

Bandar Kinrara Chinese School Petition


Cherry said...

Integration can happen anywhere - not only in school :) Kan ke Govt dah enforce PKN for the integration part. Quality of education is more important than integration. And I am talking here abt Education not merely grades gitu. That's my personal opinion !
Anyway, as long as Haziq enjoy school and also his neighbourhood pals no problem. You can always hv playgroup, birthday parties, tae kwan do classes within yr neighbourhood with all the races.

Lollies said...

betul tu Ninuk. Haziq does join other activities with other races and he is quite good with mixing. So Alhamdullilah. But that is the little effort from me.

Sometimes I think, from the little observation I made, the seggregation is getting bigger. tapi you see I am a bit over with nationalistic issue sometimes.

I appreciate everyone's honest comments.

Anonymous said...

lol, i was thinking of blogging abt this, ish kita ni seropa noo. actually, to me this is worrying lah.

Anonymous said...

atenah..ianya sangat worrying. I rasa integration ni macam bertepuk sebelah tangan aje.

kalau sekolah agama tu lain cerita kan?

tenah..aku rasa kita ada sikit-sikit serupa dari aspek education ni walaupun aku bukanlah expert dalam bidang ni. tapi aku berminat topik ini. itule sebab aku mintakk ko blog about it.

lepas tu aku tinggal komen aku yang tak seberapanya itu.

Anonymous said...

sapa sekolah ramai melayu je, or cina je, or india je. selalunya end up jadi racist. or ade a bit of dat. like me.

esp time bawak kereta. wow best2. middlefinger everywher. mulut bersembur2.

Ni said...

aku rasa tujuan depa (chinese families) supaya anak2 depa reti baca & tulis mandarin, surprisingly dah ramai sgt chinese yg donno how to speak mandarin- apatah lagi nak write in mandarin

macam kat tempat keje aku ni, ramai chinese tapi bila nak buat kerja translate dokumen yang diterima dari china, 2-3 orang je yang boleh buat

Anonymous said...

wan - hmm racist ya? one perspective. mine is more on ramai yang tak berapa pandai bercapur

cik ni - itu betul. cuma macam kita..kita hantar a seperate agama class to learn both agama and read jawi. they don't have that scheme.

sekolah cina is genrally perceived to have a higher academic standards

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