At 5, I still haven't finish all the ingredients for the koay teow.
Panic mode sinks in. The beansprouts are not done! The fishball! The prawn shells! The sawi! The kuchai! And remember I have to bathe the kids. Feed them also. And cook. And I have not blend the chillies. Cut up onions!
And I have no help whatsoever! Or didn't I?
I hired two children.
So sue me!
First I made both of them do the beansprout. Clear up the heads and tails. But my daughter, yes my daughter who just turned five, complained so much. She is tiredlah, she wants to sleeplah, she has a headachelah. Then I said you can do the sawis which is easy just tear it up and break the soft stalks. Then she had to do the beansprout again. Which she complained and grunted. So I gave her the knife job. I asked her to cut the fishballs.
But Haziq wanted that job too. HMmmmfffff! So they had to take turn. And when it was Haziq's turn, he came with this method of cutting up fishbals in parallel. Four or five at a time.
Whateverlah..janji quarter of my work is done.
For further collection of what Sya is like circa the age of five : She wants to marry her brother, Haziq. Tini, her cousin, also wants to marry Haziq which made Sya angry. She gave Tini an alternative, JackJack. Where did she get this idea of marriage anyway?
Alamak Lollies, if you kena SUE for child labour, me lagilah kena berganda-kali kena SUE ... dah bankrap puluhan kali camni. I do enjoy their kepohness in the kitchen, except when it involves menggoreng, menumbuk cili+bawang and penggunaan pisau.
Eerrr lagi satu, tabik Lollies ... dah tengah sibuk tu sempat ambik gambar lagi. He he he I've also got lots of pictures of the kids around the kitchen.
ninuk - heh hehe sebenarnya memang selalu kena tapi kalau kenduri tu teruk jugaklah. bbanyak gila togeh nak kena siang. penat gak tu
Hakim pulak nak kawin ngan mak dia. Dia selalu kata Hakim sayang mak sambil tangan dia meraba kat t*t*k mak dia....
ha ha ha
sekali-sekala buat kerahan tenaga biag depa rasa
(alah lollies ni kata aje sibuk tapi sempat pulak amik gambar)
saya memang suka ambik gambar
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