And as if the last year's catastrophic yet hilarious blogathoning event was not enough, I am going to do it again this year. My friends and I. Kudos to Primary Basic for initiating this (again). Thus giving me the opportunity to join.
So what is blogathon, you may ask. Alaa I heard you ask just now. Dalam hati.
The Blogathon.org is a charity marathon event where people from around the world update their blogs at least once every half an hour for 24 hours straight. During those 24 hours they raise awareness of their chosen charity and aim to raise funds and collect pledges for it.
Dojnf the blogathon means we will blog and blog and blog just like walkathon where they would walk and walk and walk. The condition is we will blog for 24 hours with one entry for every half an hour. So it is basically non stop typing for most of us.
Why would I even want to do this? The main idea is to raise fund. Yes! Yes! Mintak derma. You know some people raise fund by running backwards for 100 miles non stop, or live in a glass cage with venomous snakes or kiss their partner non stop for 24 hours or sell cakes. All in the name of charity.
So I blog. It is not so easy actually. I usually put up an entry occasionally. And to come up with entries after entries for every half an hour is actually taking up all the possible entries for many month's entry ration. But do I must!
Why? Why?
We are hoping to raise fund for a charity group called Aman Palestine.. Aman Palestin is a non government organization, that surfaced late 2004. It was registered earlier this year in January as a foundation to help the people of Palestine, in a more collective, planned, continuous and effective way. It's newly relocated office, is in Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Since 2005, more than RM500 000 have been donated to the people of Palestine, via Aman Palestin.
The list of Charity and Humanitarian Mission of Aman Palestin at the palestine concentration camp in Lubnan, Syria, and Jordan are as follows;
1. Sponsoring of Palestinian orphans
2. Fending for Single Mothers
3. Education fund
4. Projek Pusat Jahitan (Sewing Center?)
5. Building of orphanages for the palestinian children
6. Waqf Palestine Project
7. Hospital Project
8. Medicinal supplies
9. Qurban Aidil Adha
10. School supplies
11. Ramadhan activities
12. Building a Qur'an Learning center
13. School for the children
14. Waqf transportation for Aman Palestin
15. Winter clothing project
16. Waqf building for Aman Palestin
So what is the deal? Again I can hear you asking.
On the 29th of July, 9pm, my friends and I shall start blogging continuously for the next 24 hours, with one entry each 30 minutes. For this, we are rallying that sponsors step up and pledge an amount that they would like to give to the said charity. By sponsors here I mean you and you. Individual or company. Anyone.
Oh please have a heart dear reader. Sponsor me. Help me make a difference.
You may honour your pledges, by banking into these account after we complete the blogathon
Aman Palestin Berhad Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Nombor akaun: 12029010047880 Maybank Malaysia Berhad Nombor akaun: 562263010787 Contact : 03-89267019 I will be blogging here : http://primarybasic.efx2.com Date : 29th July 2006 Time : 9 p.m. (but my turn will start at 12 p.m. 30th July 2006) Malaysian Time |
How do you sponsor me? Please click the boxes below and follow the link's instruction. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you all. Show peace sign "Are you enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy??"
Lollies, baik nyer hati ko.
BTW, ada ke org kutip derma dengan 'kiss their partner non stop for 24 hours'?
Pledge to sponsor tu KIV dulu ek
lolls..when you're online ym i wanna ask u more about this. nak tanyer pb i dun have her no. a bit lost ler i..
ah ni - entah tak tau aku. ko try dululah. Ok naytime ah ni,
uglybutt - aku nampak ko tengah idle tu
semoga usaha murni mu mendapat derma dari dermawan dengan banyak nya...$$$$$$...all for a good cause!!
dah ada tajuk ka?
ada request ni....lollies write about "orphans of war" yang boleh membuat airmata ku bertitisan....and i pledge to derma la...okey dak?
*kagum dengan usaha dan niat baik lollies*
So kind-hearted. Ahhh.....
Err... aci tak wat entry kat lain dulu and later copy n paste? Tapi cam tipu diri sendiri la pulak kan?
*Idea menipu memang la banyak, kan?*
And what happen if u post ur entry after half an hour? Start balik ke?
Go Lollies Go lollies Go! Chaiyo Chaiyok!
idham - gulp! alaaa saya tak bisa membuat orang menitiskan air mata. Itu bukan forte saya. I am thinking of an entry to that effect. Tapi nangis tu tak taulah.
dlt - aci. janji you post every half an hour. after half an hour post entry lain. Thankd DLT.
*show peace sign*
i will enjoy baby!
Go Lollies go...
Semuga usaha membawa berkat..Ameen
jill - peace baby
AM - thank you for the moral support. I need it. :)
so you're doing it again mummy. you are so kind at heart. no matter you are busy wif work back then or wif kids like today, there's no stopping ur kindness n empathy.
hope Allah will bless your work and fulfil all of our preyers to help our brothers and sisters in dire needs.
Hm..satu usaha yg sungguh murni - I'l need to check my budget first (student lor..) but InsyaAllah will support you for this good cause!
wan - laa kerja senang je wan. walaupun tak ada idea nak tulis apa ni. oh no
nef - huwaaaaa. bila? bila? tapi memang tak dapat pergi pun. ada orang tak kasi.
rad - sokong moral pun ok. thank you
Hope it will be a smooth blogaton, InsyaAllah.
Moga2 diberkati Allah...
i will be patiently waiting for yours, PB's, elisa's updates..
insyaAllah will be promoting it in my blog.
alhamduillah, sungguh mulia hati lollies
mak lang - saya pun harap begitu jugak
nana - oh timakasih nana. Timakasih
anne - eh janganlah gitu. hati saya busuk berkarat jua
Hari ni blogathon kan..go go go
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