Infact I am no sweet tooth at all. I didn't like anything sweet. So much so I even hated eating dates. Especially the soft ones. Oh the soft inner fillings were such pain to me. I dreaded going through fasting month because of them dates.
Pain! Pain! All these sweet things.
But but but I am now a convert. Evil has now possess me. I have changed. Something happened to me. I find myself enjoying chocolates now. Ahhh help!
Crunching the Snickers bar my lover brought home the other day. Ahh the caramel..ahh the crunchy nut. They are really good. Roll eyes. Roll eyes. And those Arab pastries. Such small sizes. Mini bites. Pop it in your mouth. And the taste of ghee, honey, pistachio all rush on your toungue. Swirl them in your mouth and let the sweetness linger a moment. Somehow when you finally swallow it, you forgot that it was too sweet the first time you tasted it. And on and on I pop it in my mouth.
Blame it on the 3 years stint of suffering the teeth braces. Not only that I wore those painful braces, but my dentist made sure that all my cavities are filled up. That my gums are in a good state. No more pain in the tooth! No more sensitive gums!
And hello sweetness. Come to mama!
This is a bad sign actually.
All those sweetneess goes straight to the derriere!
congratulations and welcome to my world!!! the world of all things sweet.
adoi... nak jugak la... best nyer...
saya suka yang bitter sweet best...
babe - akan ku turuti jejak langkah mu.
1na - yes yes bitter bitter memang best. i tend to chose the dark chocolates as well
oh sweet darling - i have choccies in my fridge and i cant eat them. torture!!!
beb..itu baklava just melt meee..sodap wooo..dun wht they put in it..but goddamn deliciouss...
the only choc i like is kit kat..tak leh resist..yg lain cam biaser laaa..
jill - no no don't touch them. they are bad. evil for our posterior.
uglybut - babe aku terpaksa menahan diri dari membelinya semalam. oh godaannya sangat kuat.
Ooooh! Droooool!
I love sweet chocs, sweet desserts, sweet ice-kacang, sweet-tapai, sweet-caramel, sweet anything...hmm..lovely.
...aaand what a sweet song. May I know the singer and title. I ni toya sikit lagu melayu or indonesian. But what a lovely song.
is that baklava i see there? hehehe chocolates.. yes. they r heavenly arent they? be careful with them or u will end up like me...*chuckles*
serendipity - oh tapai tapai. i lovethem. especially ubi. but any tapai is good.
and err I am no good in malay song either. But I like this group. Eh band boy indonesian memang best. Title is Bintang di Sorga sung by Peter Pan. There are even more which I am so ketinggalan keretapi by now.
AM - ahh I love them baklavas. Firt time is too sweet now I am addicted
simah - psstt all my undies are tight tight oredi. Die
oooh, dah convert eh. My sugar tlerance level is pretty low, tapi setakat Chocolate Cadbury tu boleh layan la...not the caramel type tho. I so cant handle those arab sweets. I cringeeeee reading your post.......
lollsss..ko sungguhlah jahat..smalam takder gambar baklava dan adik beradik dier..today ader plakk!!! uwaaaa..do i have to to go bangsar today and finish my dollars on it???..uwaaaaa
I didn't like sweet thing when I was small oso. Name it laa bubur kacang, segala kueh manis. Semua tak gemar.
I liked karipap only yewww.
Tapikan lately, I tell you, mebbe after hitting mid thirties or Maam influence on me. I can say I could go crazy with all things sweet.
BTW, used to have Bintang di Sorga in my blog months ago. It my Schumacher song. Arip pandai nyanyi sekali :-. Get It from Gartblue kar ? I think it is her fav..He he ...
anne - patutlah anda sungguh slim. saya tak tahan sama itu baklava
comel - sesungguhnya anda patut beli. pergi pergi. saya izinkan
BTB - evil evil. siap suggest add to the list tu
TJ - eh ini lagu saya sendiri. Saya rip sebelum kemari. I played this song loudly in the car also. Before datang sini. Syahdu gila.
Encik TJ saya percaya maam anda telah dengan bijaksananya mempengarhi tastebud anda. Kudos kepadanya.
nanti balik, kita kenduri chocolates eh? your house or mine?
oooh choccies *sighs*. My favourite sale is the Cadbury Warehouse Sale di sini hehe. But ada satu tempat kat kl nih, dia nya baklava tak manis mengenyam sangat. Sedapnyaaa sangat. Mesti debes nih.
I love the Hershey drops.. yang white chocolate tuuu ..yummy yummy *drooling* . That day I bought and ate one packet of it. I went to the gym at fifth floor puffing on the threadmill thinking about every bit that went into my stomach.
atiza - pastilah rumah ko. AKu balik tak ingin ku masak memasak. err kecuali kat rumah bapaku lah. Itu kes terpaksa
leen the diva - baklava sedaplah ek? It is just beyond anything I think. Tak tahan
sya - gulp. And here I am sitting on my big arse complaining of its' size.
Hehe- wanna join SweetCollect? You earn lollies by clicking on stuff. I've already ahd 123 lollie sent out to me. Yay for lollies!
Please click my ads: http://nadinetannous.blogspot.com/
huhu. sungguh intimadating posting ini. rasa cam nak pegi beli snickers skang juge.
no more sweets !!
wan - sila sila beli snickers. mari kita sama2 gemuks
abdulla - i can't help myself with those baklava. they are too nice
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