We had an overdose on oxygen the last summer we went home to Malaysia (i told you memang cerita basi). We went to Taman Negara!
Prior to going, I receive lots of tips from the Elisa Clan. So I took most of the tips. I stayed at the hotel they suggested. Which is W00dland Resort. Look out for special promotion. We didn't take their package instead we took the one outside. We sort of saved here and there. Hotel is reasonable but food a bit on the bleargh side. No let me correct that, a lot on the bleargh side. But then if you are on an adventure get going vacation, food should not be the biggest issue (to me lah).
But tell you what, we found this warung for lunch, slightly further from the resort, like kena patah balik, which sold some fish tak tau apa nama, masak tempoyak yang rasanya beyond this world. Seriously, I am not a fan of masak tempoyak, tapi mak oi sedapnya lauk makcik ni. lauk kicap pun sedap. It is at the tapak pasar malam (which is on Wednesday night). Sigh teringat-ingat ni.....sedapnyaaaaaa.
Anyway the night we arrived, we went to NIGHT WALK activity. We were supposed to stumble upon exotic animals and insect of the rainforest. But what do you expect when about 10 people stomped the noisy trek? All animals would have scrambled away. We found some insects though..giant millipede, a pair of mating praying mantis (their love making lasts about three weeks and will end with a tragic death of the male, killed by the bitch mantis), big timber ants, big spiders and ular daun. Basically we found only insects that can scramble a mere few mm away. We also smelt sandalwood (kayu gaharu).
But at the watchtower we saw some deers. My lover suspect those are herded deers. We also saw an owl drinking from the salt lake. The salt lake is good for the animals antibody (so they say).
Zachary knowing that we are looking for animals in the dark with the help of the torchlight was excited as well. Suddenly he shouted, "I found something!". And we all huddle (the mat salleh and all) against his small being, only to found small black ants trailing its path. Hahahhahahaha! Everyone loves him immediately.
I would recommend you to take this activity especially if you have kids my age. Bila lagi nak jalan malam-malam and drench yourself in sweat. Even though you'd say to yourself (if you are Malaysian, especially if you have stayed in kampung), apa bendalah ni, but your urban kids will love it.
The next day we went to the canopy walk.
You see, I have been camping at Taman Negara like 19 years ago when I was very active and very fit. If you are in mukabuku, you can see my tagged photo of the trips I went. You're also allowed to laugh your head off looking at my supposed to be cool look back then.
Anyway the canopy walk was not of existence then. So I was more than jakun to go. Not bad! I enjoyed it. But I was pespiring like crazy. It was really humid.
Here are some photos. Hmm but it is actually difficult to show the depth in photos tau. I hope these photos do justice to the height of the canopies of Taman negara.
I would recommend everyone to go here. Appreciate the canopies of rainforest.
The canopy walk package also includes trekking up the Bukit Terisek. I remembered 19 years ago, trip to Taman Negara was a laughable trip. kacang gila! Apa ni? Tak mencabar langsung. makan angin aje. Assuming the same, I went up trekking. After all bukit je kan?
But adoi, it was trekking almost all the way up. Sakit peha! sakit betis! Adoidoidoi!
But the kids were practically running up. Worse when we trekked down. they took the route with stairs, which was terrible in my opinion. My thigh muscle, which was near non-existence, were screaming. And Zachary ran all the way down!
But overall it was a good experience indeed! Balik terus terlepek.
Oh they showed us some stones that can be rubbed with bit of water and produce some colours. We coloured our faces and we all look macho going down the hill. Walaupun kaki sakit. Surely most of us dah tengok ni masa kecik-kecik kan?
I would recommend this trip if you are generally fit. Kalau orang pernah masuk wataniah, this is like berjalan-jalan kat belakang rumah aje. I wouldn't recommend if you small children which is clingy or if you have a baby. Kalau sanggup nak dukung all the way up and down, teruskanlah.
I read in one of their notice boards, if you manage to climb Bukit Terisek, you are well on your way to trek up Gunung Tahan. err I don't think so! Gunung Tahan has about seven hills to climb. The hills are tough with steep ridges. Tak apalah...
Man this is such a long post. I have a few more days of the trip to tell. Sambung next postlah.
Here are some photos of the Canopy Walk and Bukit Terisek Activity.
I envy you all (in this case u & Elisa lah)sbb kan u all dapat cuti lama tau. Mr kita tu punyalah payah nak cuti lelama ni.
Kena insert wish list plan for next year.
Tapi kan.. kan.. kita gayattttt...
baru je adik aku tanya aku semalam if aku rasa dia boleh panjat gunung kinabalu. she said, nampak budak-budak berlari-lari je naik. aku cakap dgn dia tolong lah sedar diri dah tua. kekekeke. aku pegi poring canopy walk pun dah rasa nak membunuh dgn jay tu.
Jill...muahaha!! lawaklaa...
Taman Negara to me is a must. I love greens more to beaches so mmg planning nak gie Tmn Negara dgn bebudak bila diaorg besar, afterall I have 3 heroes, tak sabar nak tunggu 2 hero membesar! Nanti maknya akan ajar tips bertrekking!! tapi tengok2 maknya kanpus dulu hahahaha...
- yg pernah pjt g. tahan n masih lagi menyimpan alat-alatan camping :)
BF - he he. kalau gayat ada activity lain tau. nanti in a different post.
I rasa ini memang sesuatu yg best I dudk jauh. because when I come home, I can enjoy myself. KAt sini jarang cuti sikit-sikit macam kat msia. Not a common thing to do. Cuti terus sebulan gitu.
jill - hahahha. tapi aku rasa gunung kinabalu is quite easy. jogging sikit2 should be ok. nak gunung susah naik tahan. tak percaya tanyalah cik zan kita
zan - i love greens to than the beach. ya ya bila dia orang besar silalah pergi. best sangat.
Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yang alim.
Pi Taman Negara, ada berbual dgn Tok Rimau tak? kata Pak Malim yg takde otak. Tok Rimau tu, sepupu saya, kata Pak Malim sambil menyapu kaya. Belangnya serupa, tapi dia besar sikit, kata Pak Malim sambil naik rakit.
weh la.. you should've called me first before pegi Taman Negara. my uncle works for perhilitan, he could've helped you get a better 'package' for it
saya pernah lihat belalang mating. depan kedai mamak kat langkawi. actually i was in the car, waiting for famyBoy tengah tapau food. i tengah main-main ngan controls kat kamera, zoom in lah zoom out lah, tetiba ternampak belalang kat daun. i was thinking giler besarnya belalang kat sini. rupa2nya ada DUA ekor sedang buat project hahaha
i tak pernah pergi taman negara. ada gak terpikir teringin nak visit (but that was before kawin dan beranak-pinak). tunggulah nanti bila budak2 dah besar kot. but then i'd be too old for this kind of adventure outings pulak eh? :P
zan: you climbed gunung tahan????? tak pernah cerita pon?? cayalah.
pak malim kucing yang alim - tak adalah kata lollies semasa berkelah, kalau dapat saya jumpa tok rimau, kata lollies sambil makan limau, mesti saya tanya pukul berapa sekarang tok harimau, kata lollies yang teramkan biskut lemau.
amacam ada gaya tak?
jo - laaaaaaaaaaaa. manalah ku tau. huhuhu. tak apa tak apa akan ku simpan informasi itu.
famy - amboi amboi. ada ambik gambar tak?
ok je famy. tak lah teruk sangat. ambik yang senang-senanga jele. :D
but your kids are my kids age lah. he he
the pond yang kau cakap tu the same tempat kita mandi dulu yang kita suspect ada jantan mengintip tu ker?
ingat tak kita buat night walk nampak all those spores shining under the moonlight?
and Taman Negara was also the place where I met my sidekick...hihihih *gatal sat*
wow dapat tau rahasia kak tizzzzzz zaman memuda (skang pun muda ok). hehe. oh again mummy, awesome trip. im a pahangite but havent explore taman negara at all. selalu lalu close proximity without a chance to sample. fuh fuh one day.
famy..ye ker? tapi mmg dah lama pun, i think when i was 20 yrs old..mmg kenangan betullah..sampai2 sesat2 walaupun ada guide.
lollies : itu laa antara aktiviti2 semasa zaman muda belia...mencadat sotong 1 kaki pjg kat lautan bergelora, rock climbing..perghhh dan sewaktu dgnnya...those were thedays when you hv tonnes of enegry and kilos lighter :P
that sounded a lot more fun than the not-so-enthusiastic tone when you told me you were going.
cannot appreciate lah the height in the photo, especially the ground is covered with the canopy.
atiza - wooooo di sinilah ya terjadinya peristiwa bersejarah. tee he he. mentang2 lah masa taman negara tak penat sangat.
eh kita mandi dulu yang kena sekodeng tu kat sungai. lake ni masin. ada binatang buas. tak pergilah kita
wan - hahahah. biasalah orang dekat mesti tak pergi punya
zan - mak oi! rock climbing kat manatu? i went satu kat ledang. satu kata mana tak taulah. kilos lighter? hahahha
mosh - eh? tak enthusiastic? i have been planning taman negara dari sebelum balik msia lagi. mana boleh tak enthusiastic. selalunya i tak suka nak war-warkan over..takut tak jadi. maybe you interpreted it as tak enthusiastic kot
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