It is suppose to be like the white water rafting except there is no raft. and also the fast water taklah fast enough. Most of the time it is the boatman yg shake the boat about at the slightly rapid water.
But the kids LOVE it! I like it too. We threw water at each other including other people in the boat. And we threw water at other boats too.
So knowing that you will get wet, prepare yourself with the right baju. If pakai hijab, pakailah labuh sikit. Pakailah swimming suit kat dalam jadi tak melekat kat badan. Pakai sports bra supaya shape hilang. tee he he.
Then we had a dip. The kids lagilah suka.
One tip if you are taking kids for traveling adult style make sure a few of the activities include something fun FOR them.
I would recommend you to go here especially if you have kids. They will love it. err kalau dia tak takut airlah.
Time came, it was a 4WD pick up and all of us sat at the back of the open pick up. The kids were excited. Adventure in the jungle in the darkness of the night. We had torch in our hands so we can catch the animals and surprise them.
Then the car drove initially on the normal kampung road. he had a big spot light with him and was pointing to the trees at the road side, kat tepi rumah orang kat, kebun.
hah that is a little fox! he said. err where? where? I can only see the reflection of the eyes.
Hah! there can you see up on the tree? That is the Slow lorry!
Slow lorry?
I only saw the eye's reflection.
After sometime he was still on the kampung road. And I said to lover, is this all the night safari? On this road ke?
Then the car finally made a turn! What a relief!
But into palm oil plantation. Hah! Ladang kelapa sawit aje? Hmm perhaps into the jungle after this.
hah! Owl!
Hmm ok
Suddenly the cold night turned wet. It rained! Quite heavily! The kids were put in the car to their protest. We were given rain coats, which smell and has no hood.
So there I was sitting with mat sallehs and with lover side by side at the back of the 4WD huddling with him.
Very soon, I can feel the water trickling on my back and into my jeans. My socks and shoes were all wet. Cis macamana nak trekking esok ni?
And we didn't see any animals!
I looked at lover and he looked at me. then he said, "What the hell are we doing?."
I laughed really hard.
He said" Macam ayam hutan kena hujan aje kita ni!"
I laughed even harder.
"Macam pelarian pun ada!"
You should look at us. Merengkok kesejukan dan kebasahan at the back of the pick up. the kids are already asleep in the car. And we were going into the palm oil plantation seeing what we always see bila balik kampung.
The Mat Salleh probably enjoyed it. They asked us what is that sound? They were frogs croaking, which were quite loud but normal when it rains here. They thought they were cows. But you can excuse them of course.
from then on, each time we drive along some kebuns or kampung road we would go nght safari night safari. slow lorry slow lorry. hahahhaha
I wouldn't recommend this activity if you are malaysian. Unless you really really really have never seen palm oil plantation.
KAH KAH KAH KAH!!!!rotfl...tak tahan woiii!!
is that the night safari??? how much do they charge?
tapikan i rasalah all the animals pun mmg dah either extinct or lari tah mana..i rasa mmg penipu laa bawak night safar kat jalan kampung n oil palm..hishh.
masa we all trekking dulu pun cuma nampak tapak kaki gajah n rimau jer..lain elek...
best tu dapat dive macam tu. camera tak basah ke?
kejap eh!
*picks self off the floor*
KAKAKAKAKAKKA ... katun la korang ni .. sah kalau aku pegi sana, ini adalah the first activity to be struck off. *gelaks*
anyhow .. tinggi ke sya & haziq jump tu? laki aku sure gerun tu .. gayat!
Zan - tak ingatlah how much they charge. but if that is the case, apa-apa harga ppun is mahal.
masa i trekiking dulu jumpa taik gajah. besar betul.
mosh - i diri angle baik punya
gart - hahahhahahahahahaha.
tak tinggilah. aku terjun jugak. pastu sakit kaki. sebab air tak dalam sangat. sesuai for someone shorter than me. and that is short. kalau zaidi terjun memang lawaklah jadinya
selamat hari raya...hehe..
sorry ler lambat sampai. haha
aku ingat the taik gajah part...siap beli gambar yang lecturer sotong tu amik lagi..sapa ke nama dia..
kita kena trekking ke gunung kinabalu la..mesti best..
ery - biar lambat asal selamat:D
atiza - hahahha cikgu sotong tu is Mr Shamsul.
gunung kinabalu eh? ingat tak kita hampir2 nak pergi dulu. duit pulak tarak. uhuk uhuk. eh ko pergi tak dulu?
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