I went to P@rk H0use. Near to my house. They refuse to even give me a form. Even the waiting list is long, they said.
Then I went to @l-J@zeera International school. Yup! Just like the station. Also near to my house. I am in Q@tar afterall, where the station is located. Nope no more place.
This one. C@mbridge. Near to my house. Also full.
C@mbridge girls. FULL! But they allowed us to put her name in the waiting list. It must be because we took hours to get there. Man! The way they do not have a system for their address and road maps!
Ms. Amyl gave me a number though of another school. Funny. I wondered why I never get this school hit on google. I thought it was so small, it didn't have a web page. But it did. Here.
Anyway you must have figured by now that she is accepted to this school. Alhamdullilah. She was called for an assessment day. She stayed in the class of kids her age for a few hours and did activities with them. Teacher, who is Turkish but speak French fluently, asked her questions, ask her to sing, count, random alphabets and play. Which was easy for any kid. She passed. Hooray!
The thing is, in this school she will be going to reception (pra sekolah) instead of Year 1. No wonder such easy assessment.
I asked them so many times why the difference in the system. They looked at me silly and said we are following Br1tish curriculum. But Haziq's school is also a British school (roll eyes) and Batrsyia is suppose to be in Year 1 there.
I talked to Sya's teacher, and she said by all means go ahead. Eh? You see, the truth is, Sya's class is lagging behind by three months. UH?! A week after Sya came in, her teacher got sick and finally quit teaching. The class was out of teacher for a month. Then came a new one, and Sya left for Malaysia. Apparently even that teacher left. Now the class has even a newer teacher. Which in a way is a blessing because otherwise Batrisyia would be the only one left behind compared to her peers.
But..what three months behind? Should I sue the school?
But that is a blessing really. It would give her more time to adjust to the system. English, reading and all. In the other school (the one who rejected her), would actually be tougher. Look at Haziq's english work. My, I think it is tough and wondered if Haziq doing okay about it.
It's a smaller school as well, thus teacher has more time. And the scoop is they are getting a new principal. The one from the school that I wanted to enrol the kids in the first place. I have met her when I visited that school. I must say I am excited and hope that she would bring in ever better changes to the school.
But oh Lord! Grant me patience for mine is as thin as an onion's skin.
I am trying to mix phonics and word recognition. For instance today she learned the word "end". After a few repetitions, she can say "end". That's word recognition. Add a "B" in front it would make "bend". I asked her to say the sound of B. That's phonics. So she would go beh, beh, beh and end. She would go beh-end. And together what is it Sya? Instead of saying bend, she said beh-end. I told her bend. She said bend. Tried again, she said beh-end. AAGGGHHhhhhhhhhh!
Of course after a while with lots of shouting, she picked up her momentum. Then she forgot the sound of the letter "b" or "m" or some other supposedly easier stuff. I tell you.
Again Oh Lord! Grant me patience! Bestow me with your blessing of patience.
But I must say she is progressing and seem to pick up the habit of reading anything even during eating. This is perhaps because I ignored the kids during eating and would read the papers. (Even the news of Tun going to Malaysia Kini was in the papers here). Sya reads the milk carton. At least she spells stuff like M-I-L-K. I said milk. Then she looks for more M-I-L-K and shouted MILK!
I see silver lining though.
Can you feel the ray?
aishah pun sama lollies, susah tul nak ajar baca...
tapi M-I-L-K dia terror gak...sebab selalu minum selalu nampak. what has happened to us ha? cikgukat skolah yang suruh kita ajar anak pulak. bakpe bayar mahal2 eh...baik ajar kat umah eh...
avere pazienza my darling.
wow, a great deal of patience needed thr. nampaknya saya kena mentally prepared for such situation...hehe. budak2 pun tensen kalau parents asyik marah kat dia kan? hehe
Just in case you're interested...
By making the mistakes mentioning the word "bend" is actually good progress for her. But again bend might not be the best word to use as an example to teach her, not yet!... because when it becomes 'beh-end' the 'beh' sound should be 'beh' as in 'berak'(sorry can't think of another word) not 'benda'. I think she is confused that the sound of consonant changes with the vowel that comes after it.And what she knows that the letter 'b' makes the 'beh' sound like in the word 'benda'.
Sebok je I ni...mentang-mentang anak I dah besar. But seriously, I did not play a role at all in teaching my son to read. My investment on the kindi I chose was very good.Hihihi
i forgot to mention. YAY! To Doha Monetssori.
nazrah - eh betullah! cis gila mahal fees term pun I have to do work kah?
Jill - Oui but you have to guide me. And yay for doha montessori!
sare - the thing is selalunya benda macam ni emak-emak aje yang arif. But hey you can always chip in.
sexy momma - tulah dia. theteacher gave us thisbook. actually the concept is she is suppose to understand that adding different letters, fifferent words can come out of it. Like bend, mend, send and lend. tapi ayoo no patientlah.
and you areright. I thought coming over here I can goyang kaki. Rupanya kena gak campur tangan kaki and all.
Sabar tahap gaban ye lolls....
Hope things are progressing well for you...Enjoy it while you can...
:) * was here*
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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