I want to tell you what my lover had to go through on the last week before I came back. Nearly all his friends knew that I, my lover's mistress, was to come back sometime at the end of April. And my oh my didn't he get lots of teasing from everyone.
He was teased during usrah. He was teased during his Arabic classes. He was teased after the Friday prayers. He was teased whenever there was any Malaya gathering.
They were teasing that lover was always dreaming. Unable to concentrate on anything.
They were saying that they can't get near to lover for he exudes too much static energy of some sort.
Whenever lover stutter trying to say something, they would love hysterically saying that lover was already losing his mind. Can't focus.
Lover also missed his Saturday arabic class (I was back) because I told him not to go. *winks* And that very night, Mr. Mail had bbq, which we went. The moment we get off the car, they were already smiling. Big big knowing smile. Including the makciks. Ayoyo! Naturally they all teased him about missing his arabic class.A pakcik pat him at the back and said. Tired eh?
If any of you (been married for more than two years) need to feel like a newly married couple where everyone tease you, you should try to stay apart for at least two months. And you should come back with lots of anticipation and "kegatalan"
seminggu balik kampung pun ulat dah naik bulu daa...
Hehehehe *gigles*
Guess you guys will be smiled at and teased for a long while la kan?
Apa orang tua cakap dedulu,. "Sayang isteri tingal-tingalkan"
Nobody teases me, no more, after the 6th child.
Worse still,. see can, touch kenot aaa,. uh uhh, no way.. :-(
woohoohoo!!x rated! i shall refrain myself from commenting.
welcome back :) Panas tak? hehehe
no need 2 months..kasik 2 days aje boleh jadik macam newly married balik...
suka dengan entri nih
"kegatalan" yang melampau...
nazrah - saya tunggu kesah awak pula
jokontan - eh awak tengah desperado sekarang ni ya. heh heh. pantang tau
nef - pakcik2 tu lah tak malu. cari minyak dhab lah
SF - panas gila. adoooiiii
aie - wah ni lagi dasat
cili - ada kesah manis ke yang awak teringat?
macho - itu menjadi kewajiban seorang mistress
seronok la cik abang awak ek?
im happy dat u and the kids are back wif hubby daddy.
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